Rainbow Flower Arrangement


SKU: Ar015-Rana Category: Tags: , ,


Glass vase with spring flowers of clove, chrysanthemum

Size : 30 cm Width , 50 cm Height


When winter packs its bags and nature is renewed in the spring, the foliage of the trees becomes rich again, and the flowers, like a painter filling their canvas with different colors, radiate the brightness of their colors everywhere. At this time and for New Year greetings, what better gift than a vase with colorful flowers? Flowers play a major role in spring and New Year, so what better way to convey a sense of freshness to others?

In this vase, which consists of a beautiful glass jar, you will see a unique collection of clove and chrysanthemum flowers, the incredible arrangement of different colors next to each other, just like watching the view of a plain full of wildflowers. The carnation, whose Latin name has its roots in the crown of the sun, shines in this glass vase and, like the sun, will carry spring heat to your loved ones. Clove is a sign of pride, superiority, and charm.

The chrysanthemum, which is noted for its beautiful petal structure and extraordinary color, is a sign that the recipient of this gift is a wonderful friend to you. In the spring and when nature is renewed, give this vase as a gift to your loved ones so that they too can enjoy the blessings of spring.


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